Monday, May 2, 2022

Moral Authority

Does government have moral authority? Starting in 1934, German soldiers swore an oath of allegiance not to the German state, but to Adolph Hitler personally. That's an extreme example of the dangers of a cult of personality. Would anyone claim that the Nazi government in the person of Adolph Hitler had moral authority?

Many government employees in this country, including all federal employees as far as I know, swear an oath that begins, "I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic...." I swore this oath five times, four during my various stints at the FDIC and once as an extremely lowly temporary employee of the Census Bureau. In this last job, I was marking houses on a map, but the oath I swore made it sound like I could be called up to the front lines if necessary.

The oath doesn't say, "I will support and defend Donald Trump," or "Barry Hussein Obama", or "the Republican Party," or "the Democrat Party." It says "The Constitution!" Because those leaders and members of those parties who hold office have not honored their oaths, in my opinion they have no moral authority. I obey the law because these people have the authoritarian power to make life miserable for me, not because I believe they have any moral authority.

The Constitution is the law of the land. It is difficult to change. This is to prevent the worst aspect of democracy, the tyranny of temporary majorities. If those in power blatantly ignore the Constitution, as it seems they are doing more and more often, the result is lawlessness. F Trump, F Obama, and F their cultish followers for pushing this country down the road to anarchy.

(By the way, I named Obama rather than Biden because the former president is the object of the left's cult of personality, not the senile person who currently occupies the office of president. That's obvious to anyone who has been paying attention.)

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